Hazrat Adam (Part 10, d)

The Meaning of the Angel's Prostration Adam was following what was happening around him and had feelings of love, awe, and astonishment. The deep love of ALLAH, who had created and glorified him and Who had made HIS angels prostrate before him.Awe of the CREATOR' S wrath when HE excluded Iblis from his mercy. Adam was surprised by this creature, Iblis who abhorred him without even knowing him and who imagined himself better than Adam without having proved that he was worthier. What a strange creature it was, and strange was his excuse for not prostrating! He imagined that fire is better than clay, but how did he get such an idea? Such knowledge is exclusive to ALLAH WHO created fire and clay, and WHO knows which is better of the two. From the dialogue, Adam realized that Iblis was a creature characterized by cunning and ingratitude. He then knew that Iblis was his eternal enemy. He was greatly astonished at Iblis audacity and ALLAH's ...