Importance of Education

 Education is not the property of anyone. Everyone could get it. Nowadays, it has become very easy through the internet to get free knowledge of anything. But only for those, who want to get this light. 

As Quaid said 

"Education is a matter of life and death to our nation. The world is moving so fast that if you do not educate yourselves you will be not only completely left behind but will be finished up"

Without education, it is complete darkness and with education it is light. Education is a matter of life.

Allama Iqbal said

"Be aware of your own worth, use all of your power to achieve it. Create an ocean from a dewdrop. Do not beg for light from the Moon, obtain it from the spark within you.

Inner experience is only one source of knowledge.


Islamic stories of Prophets By Sadaf Seemab